Cannot remove empty paragraph

I have some vertical whitespace at the bottom of a page that I cannot remove caused by an empty paragraph. I have disabled the footer, so it’s not that. It’s caused by an empty paragraph <p></p>. See my screenshot here.

I have encountered this before, and I think a BB tech removed it for me. Please tell me how I can take care of it myself.

The domain is

Hi Doug,

I am not sure why that is there it could be related to the WordPress function wpautop. However, I am not seeing it when I use Twenty Twelve. Is this a customized version of that theme?

You could try the following CSS and see if this does the trick for you.

.entry-content p:last-child,
footer.entry-meta {
  display: none;
  visibility: hidden;

Let me know if it doesn’t and we can look into this further for you.


Thanks, I’ll try this and let you know if it works.