Moved: Create a new site without downtime

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Moved from -

Hey Ryan,

The only way I have tried is to work on the new site on a different server, or it can even be done on a subdirectory of your live site, so you can just leave the live site as is. Once done, just migrate over the site to the live server/directory and that’s it.

I think there are plugins that offer this kind of functionality as well, being able to work on a new theme while the live site uses another, but I’m not really sure.

This isn’t really a BB specific question, so I’ll just leave this out for the community. Feel free to ask the same question over to our BB FB Group and/or Slack Channel. We’ve a lot of active users there so you’re most likely to receive more recommendations there, if ever, than here. :slight_smile:


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Hey Ryan,

Can you, instead, send us an email with the issue at hand via our helpdesk, hello [at] wpbeaverbuilder [dot] com, and we’ll take it from there?
