NewSprout Web Hosting Re-Design With Beaver Builder

Hey there BB-ers,

I worked with NewSprout Hosting, a web hosting and internet company in Ballina, Australia, to put together their new website:

The most complex part of this we put together is the ADSL look up page and the NBN plan chooser.

I used jQuery in custom page templates and actually used the BB custom HTML modules to add the HTML. I’m going to shift that to within the page template instead so the client can’t accidently make a mistake here.

I also like the support desk which I used the great KB plugin from PressApps for:

We also skinned WHMCS to more closely match the theme:

I hope you like it, I’d love to get your feedback!

Simon, wow! Holy crap, man, this is really good.

We use the same KB plugin. It is a good one!

What is the name of your company/shop!? I want to tweet a plug at you guys!

Oh shucks Robby, too kind!

Yep that’s us, we @RenegadeEmpire in the Twitter world.

The PressApps guys have done an awesome thing with that KB plugin. Do you like the headings we made for the single KB articles? :wink: A few custom touches just to really tie it in with the rest of the site.

Cheers again for the kind words, I’m humbled that you like it :slight_smile:

Yeah, I do a lot! I didn’t notice those before. I’m inspired :wink:

Thanks again for sharing. Glad we have you on our Recommended Builders page, too!

Keep up the great work.

Ohh yes! That’s exciting, I wondered if that had gone through yet.

Cheers again, that’s awesome! Looking forward to building many more cool things with BB and sharing it with you guys.

Fantastic work!

Thanks for checking it out @reallysimpleweb!

Brilliant work - thank you for sharing

Awesome work!! Thanks for sharing Simon

Super awesome! Great job with it!

Cheers everyone, stoked to get the feedback :slight_smile:

Really beautiful!

Really like your design. Great job!